The Künstlerinnenhäuser were founded in 1971 by Martin Kausche as a complex with five studio apartments. Since then, more than 800 artists/scholarship holders have worked and lived in the Künstlerinnenhäuser. The state of Lower Saxony, the municipality of Worpswede and the district of Osterholz support the Künstler*innenhäuser, along with many other partners from the private sector and institutions as well as private individuals.
Further sponsors and supporters are among others Landschaftsverband Stade Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung Ruth und Helmut Middeldorf Stiftung
Museumsverbund Worpswede Stiftung Niedersachsen Sparkassenstiftung Euro Art
As well as many private sector companies such as Stehnke Bauunternehmen and numerous private individuals.
Worpswede e.V.
Bergstrasse 1
27726 Worpswede
Artist Houses
Vor den Pferdeweiden 16-18
27726 Worpswede